Wednesday, July 18, 2007

About the way we live

Do you watch TV?
Majority of the human race does i guess.
I say don't.
Don't let your kids watch it.
Don't watch TV.
It corrupts and destroys lives.
Gives you a false images of what life is like.
I watch TV.

Do you go to work for 10 hours a day, spend one and half hours traveling to and from work, an hour for breakfast and dinner, sleep 7 hours and then only have 4 and a half hours free time, which is around 1/5 of a day to do what you want?

Do you go to work and work under a boss who either can't make up his mind or gives you so much stuff to work with that you sometimes wonder why you are working in that company with no benefits and an average pay?

Do you eat your dinner after 8pm which would actually cause you to gain weight due to the drop in metabolism rate?

Lack of sleep?

You see your dreams, you try to work towards them, maybe you're not working hard enough, but no matter how hard you try, you don't seem to be getting near to your dreams nor see any hope of fulfilling them.

Unhealthy lifestyle and no will power to change?

Don't do enough of what you like? For example wakeboarding?

Maybe only i think my life sucks. Or maybe i just don't have what it takes to change it with my will power or whatever it takes to change?
No matter what... Hey look! Monkeys on Rainbows!

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